
Crazy About Pets was started as a means to inform the entire community, not just pet lovers, about area shelters and the animals that call them home. Articles are written by animal care professionals, rescuers, adopters, and foster parents, and all publications are available for free to the public.

A few years ago, we took it up a notch and decide to start featuring local stories about our area veterans, people, clubs, volunteers and businesses. When we did this, we tucked the Crazy About Pets magazine inside of it. The new magazine is called We Call This HOME and we are honored to be able to bring to light all the good we have in our surrounding communities, while still helping shelter pets get noticed. This publication comes out twice a year.

In between the issues of We Call this HOME you’ll find “Get Off Your APP & Go!”, which was started to highlight all the great things there are to do in our communities in the summer months. You will find dogs and cats (with QR codes throughout) in this magazine as well.

Our full-color, glossy magazines are distributed to over 75 (and counting!) area businesses who agree to display them for us. Our magazines are also available online, for free, on Issuu.

Please contact us if you are interested in being a part of these unique, wide-reaching advertising opportunities!

Crazy about PETS

We Call This HOME

Get Off Your APP & Go!

FOSTER Magazine